Episode 8 - Done is Better than Perfect with Felicity Harley.


Felicity Harley is one of the most recognised, awarded and loved magazine editors in Australia. Now she’s poured her wisdom and warmth into a new book about finding clarity in the chaos and empowerment in the middle of our wonderfully messy lives. 

In this episode, you’ll learn how to overcome the curse of perfectionism, the power of positive self-talk and why ‘having it all’ isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Felicity also shares what it was like to join the WAGs club after marrying the captain of Geelong, the confidence pressure of the Brownlow red carpet and what it was REALLY like to interview Beyonce. 

So let’s Claim our Confidence with Felicity Harley.


Felicity Harley’s Instagram

Felicity Harley’s LinkedIn

Purchase ‘Balance & Other B.S.’ by Felicity Harley


Katrina Blowers

For more confidence tips and behind-the-scenes: follow @claimingyourconfidence and @katrinablowers on Instagram

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