Episode 6 - Get Paid What You’re Worth, with Meggie Palmer


Meggie Palmer is an Aussie living in New York and the Founder of PepTalkHer. She’s on a mission to close the gender pay gap and give women the confidence to stand up and get paid what they’re worth. 

2020 has for many of us, brought up a lot of anxiety about job security and whether we can rely on our income still being there. It’s shaken a lot of our confidence - particularly for women - of knowing what our value even is at work now.

That’s why I thought Meggie would be the perfect guest to bring on because she has so many fantastic strategies for how we can rework our mindset around negotiating for what we’re worth - even in this crazy uncertain economic environment - how to even figure out whether we’re getting underpaid and what to do about it. 

In this episode you’ll learn Meggie’s fascinating personal story of how she got to where she is today, how to negotiate like a boss and a confidence hack Meggie used when she had to speak on stage after Barack Obama. Can you imagine? This is the most insane story ever. 

And of course everything we mention is in the show notes over at www.katrinablowers.com. 

So let’s Claim Our Confidence with Meggie Palmer.  



For more confidence tips and behind-the-scenes: follow @claimingyourconfidence and @katrinablowers on Instagram

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